Legal Stuff

You agree to the use of our site as is.
Should you not agree, please leave our site.

Products and Services

My Choice Things is designed to help new and existing businesses. In our Products and Services section we act as an affiliate for a number of offers.

We make no claims or representation that by using any of those linked sites you will earn money or make your money back.

Should you encounter any testimonials showing experiences from users of any of the products or services offered keep in mind that their results are not typical, and your business’s experience will vary based upon the effort and education of you or your business’s employees and management.

All sales are final unless the product or service is improperly portrayed in our advertising or on our website. In which case our remuneration or commission of your product cost will be reimbursed less any shipping costs.

Note: if you claim reimbursement from the vendor whose product you purchased via our system and get that reimbursement, we will not pay you since we will be charged back by that vendor for our commission and you will have been reimbursed for your full price by them.

Social Media Sites

My Choice Things is designed to help new and existing businesses. In our Social Media Sites section we have listed over 100 social media sites that just might contain your niche market.

We make no claims or representation that by using any of those linked sites you will earn money or make your money back should you invest in them.

Further, we do not claim that all of the information is presented on our site, just enough for you to go visit them yourself and make up your own mind.

Further, if the site does not exist at the time you try to visit it or if you find something that you consider in error, please let us know via our contact page.


My Choice Things is designed to help new and existing businesses. In our Discussions section we have expressed our personal opinions. They may or may not agree with yours and they are definately not intended to be a complete essay on each topic. Their sole purpose is to offer you topics that you might wish to explore for your own site.

I strongly recommend that you do not copy our information verbatim since that is plagerism which is a no-no. If you must use our content, re-write it in your own words. If you need help you can contact us and we will point you to a copywriter that is very qualified in getting your message produced correctly.

Return/Refund Policy

As a general rule, we do not accept any returns nor provide any refunds on purchases of soft goods or services. This is usually because soft goods cannot be recovered or cancelled by us once they have been delivered to you.

Goods or services supplied directly by an affiliate supplier are handled by their return policy.

In the event that we provide hard goods (owned by us) which must be delivered via a common carrier or hand delivered in a tangible form, we will provide a 100% refund on any unopened and undamaged product within 14 working days of our shipping date (not including shipping or tax charges to the customer and return carrier fees to us).

Should the product (owned by us) be opened, then it must be returned in 100% working order with no observable damage; in which case, we will provide 90% of the original purchase price (not including shipping or tax charges to the customer and return carrier fees to us).

The 10% is to be considered a restocking and repacking fee. We will not pay any refund for damaged goods. Should the damage be a result of the carrier to the customer, the customer is required to take up reimbursement issues from that carrier.

All returned items, that were owned by us, must be preapproved by us. We will issue a RFP# which the customer will place on the outside of the package being returned. The best place is near the return address of the customer.

Request the RFP# via the comment field on the contact us page on our site.

Where the item to be returned is from a third party vendor, the claim for return lies between the customer and the third party vendor.

Privacy Policy

Should you complete a form, inquire for information, or in any other manner of contact through our website, we may include your basic information in our personal mailing list. We will NOT provide your personal information to any other person or company without your permission.

Sometimes, when you are ordering a product or service that we represent as a commissioned agent, your information will be provided directly to the company or person providing that product or service to you.

Other times, you will directed to the vendors' website for more information and ordering. In this second case, we only get your name and purchase information as a buyer from that vendor. We do not get your email information or other contact information. We do not share that information with anyone else.

By ordering a third party's product or service you indemnify us from any liability whatsoever.

Further, we follow the rules of the EA and Sweden's GDPR as applied within the USA. We also adhere to those policies where we are storing your information on a server other than our own.  This is especially significant for our email list management is currently managed by MailChimp.

Other Legal Stuff

From time to time, an issue may arise where you as the customer and we as the vendor do not agree upon something. You have the full right to engage legal counsel for advice regarding your position on that or any other topic that may concern you.

As part of our service to you, should you decide that your only course of action is to sue us, then that suit must be presented in a court of law in our jurisdiction as presented in our contact address. Likewise, should we feel that our only course of action is to sue you, then that suit will be presented in a court of law in our jurisdiction as presented at the bottom of all our pages.

We prefer NOT to allow a disagreement to get this far as it is best for both of us to settle our disputes in an amicable manner and continue to maintain open channels for future business together.

Contact Us | Copyright © 2002 - | Bruce  Tuggle | 2453 Vaucluse Rd - Charleston, SC - USA | all rights reserved